Note: All manual focus Auto Rokkor/MC/MD lenses do work with all MF bodies (at least in »A« mode). I grouped my gear in »historically correct timeline clusters« which means that I paired the bodies with lenses which were designed and sold at the same time as the respective cameras.
These lenses are listed with the X‑700 body:
MD Zoom 4,0 / 70–210 mm:
MD Zoom 3,5 / 35–70 mm:
MD 2,8 / 135 mm:
MD 1,4 / 50 mm:
MD 2,8 / 35 mm:
MD 2,8 / 24 mm:
MD 4,0 / 17 mm:
MD 2x Tele Converter 300‑S:
Albinar MC 12 / 20 / 36 mm Close-Up Rings:
This lens is listed with the XG‑M body:
MD 1,7 / 50 mm:
This lens is listed with the XG‑9 body:
MD 1,4 / 50 mm:
This lens is listed with the XD‑7 body:
MD 1,4 / 50 mm:
These lenses are listed with the XE‑1 body:
MC 2,8 / 135 mm:
MC 1,7 / 50 mm:
MC 2,8 / 35 mm:
MC 2,8 / 24 mm:
These lenses are listed with the SR‑T 303b body:
MC 2,8 / 135 mm:
MC 1,7 / 55 mm:
MC 3,5 / 28 mm:
This lens is listed with the SR‑7 body:
Auto Rokkor 1,4 / 58 mm:
With very few exceptions, nearly all lenses are complete, i.e. with their original lens caps (front/rear) and lens hoods (built in or separate).
Matching cameras:
See page Bodies (MF)