Lenses (MF)

Note: All manu­al fo­cus Auto Rokkor/MC/MD lenses do work with all MF bod­ies (at least in »A« mode). I grouped my gear in »his­tor­ic­ally cor­rect timeline clusters« which means that I paired the bod­ies with lenses which were de­signed and sold at the same time as the re­spect­ive cam­er­as.

These lenses are lis­ted with the X‑700 body:

MD Zoom 4,0 / 70–210 mm:

MD Zoom 3,5 / 35–70 mm:

MD 2,8 / 135 mm:

MD 1,4 / 50 mm:

MD 2,8 / 35 mm:

MD 2,8 / 24 mm:

MD 4,0 / 17 mm:

MD 2x Tele Con­vert­er 300‑S:

Al­bin­ar MC 12 / 20 / 36 mm Close-Up Rings:

This lens is lis­ted with the XG‑M body:

MD 1,7 / 50 mm:

This lens is lis­ted with the XG‑9 body:

MD 1,4 / 50 mm:

This lens is lis­ted with the XD‑7 body:

MD 1,4 / 50 mm:

These lenses are lis­ted with the XE‑1 body:

MC 2,8 / 135 mm:

MC 1,7 / 50 mm:

MC 2,8 / 35 mm:

MC 2,8 / 24 mm:

These lenses are lis­ted with the SR‑T 303b body:

MC 2,8 / 135 mm:

MC 1,7 / 55 mm:

MC 3,5 / 28 mm:

This lens is lis­ted with the SR‑7 body:

Auto Rokkor 1,4 / 58 mm:

With very few ex­cep­tions, nearly all lenses are com­plete, i.e. with their ori­gin­al lens caps (front/rear) and lens hoods (built in or sep­ar­ate).

Match­ing cam­er­as:
See page Bod­ies (MF)

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